Jessica Hotchkin

  • Bar: 2022


Level 2, 550 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000


Jess accepts briefs in criminal law, quasi-criminal and regulatory matters.

Jess has a broad range of experience in both summary and indictable criminal matters, with particular interest in serious drug offending and violence offences. She previously practised at Victoria Legal Aid, appearing for accused across a number of different metropolitan and regional courts.

Jess is an accomplished advocate. She has appeared in a variety of hearings in the Magistrates’ Court, Children’s Court and County Court, including bail applications, pleas, committal proceedings, appeals, contraventions and Drug Court proceedings. Jess also previously prosecuted serious indictable matters at the Office of Public Prosecutions, working in both the Trial Division and Advocacy Team.

Immediately prior to the Bar, Jess was employed as a Senior Lawyer in the Litigation and Enforcement Team at the Victorian Building Authority. Here she advised on, and appeared in, regulatory criminal proceedings. Jess also formerly worked as a Case Investigation Officer at the Nursing and Midwifery Council in the UK, where she conducted investigations into the fitness to practise of nurses and midwives. Whilst in the UK, she completed an Award in Regulatory Investigative Practice at Queen Margaret University.

Jess is reading with Kelly McKay. Her senior mentor is David Hallowes SC.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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