Rahmin de Kretser

Rahmin de Kretser

  • Admitted: 2005
  • Bar: 2014


Gorman Chambers
Room 9.12, Level 9
460 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000


Rahmin de Kretser accepts briefs in all litigious matters with a significant focus on criminal, quasi-criminal and disciplinary proceedings.

Earlier in his career Rahmin was selected as part of the Trial Counsel Development Program where he appeared as junior counsel in multiple Supreme Court murder trials.

In recent years he has been briefed in large and complex trials in both the County and Supreme Court. He regularly appears as junior counsel in homicide matters in the Supreme Court. He has appeared unled in legal argument in both the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal.

He has appeared in successful contested bail applications across all criminal jurisdictions.

He has developed excellent working relationships with instructing solicitors and other parties involved in the criminal justice system.

Rahmin has also been briefed in a number of quasi-criminal proceedings (Coroners Inquests, Confiscation matters, Sporting Tribunals and the Legal Practice List and Review and Regulation List at VCAT).  He has defended Worksafe Victoria OHS prosecutions for workplace bullying and provided advice to company directors regarding their criminal and civil liability.

He holds an Indictable Crime Certificate and has been selected by Victoria Legal Aid as a member of the Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister List. 

Prior to coming to the Bar, Rahmin developed a diverse general litigation practice at a boutique generalist firm in Melbourne’s CBD. For nine years Rahmin appeared as a solicitor-advocate in a broad range of criminal matters.

Rahmin has also represented elite athletes in respect of contractual negotiations, disciplinary matters and provided advice on sponsorship agreements. He has previously held the position of Director on the Board of Swimming Victoria (four years) and through that role underwent corporate governance training through the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Rahmin read with now her Honour Judge Sarah Leighfield.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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