Carmen Currie

  • Admitted: 2003
  • Bar: 2011


Level 2, 550 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000


Carmen practises in the areas of criminal, administrative and employment law. This diverse legal practice reflects her versatile skills and deep legal expertise. Carmen’s commitment to achieving the best results for clients during complex and challenging legal matters makes her a highly sought-after barrister.

Recognised in Doyles Guide as leading junior counsel in Work Health and Safety Law, Carmen appears throughout Australia in OHS, WHS and other regulatory prosecutions, inquests, investigations and public inquiries.

With a background in commercial litigation, Carmen has also built a strong reputation in the area of corporate crime. She has appeared in complex foreign bribery, insider trading and market manipulation matters at trial and appellate level.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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